Myanmar REDD+ news: .......REDD+ Core Unit Meeting held on 30 January 2014 at Forest Department Headquarter, Nay Pyi Taw.........ToT training for improving Extension Capacity in Climate Change and REDD+ held at Forest Research Institute, Yezin from 17 to 21 February 2014.......

Jun 23, 2014

Public Talk on International Day of Forests - 21st March 2014

In honored of International Day of Forests (21 March) of the year 2014, Taungoo District Forest Department and ITTO REDD-plus Project, jointly organized Public Education Talk on Forest Conservation, Natural Forest Protection, Forest Restoration and REDD-plus Activities at Saingya Forest Base Camp of Yedashe Township on 21st March 2014.
In this occasion, three presenters from Forest Department, who are also Project Members of ITTO REDD+ project which is currently implementing in Taungoo District, talked about the concept and importance of REDD+ and climate change, Role of community forests in rural development and current efforts of Forest Department in forest conservation and restoration. 

 It was attended by (60) participants including related stakeholders, forest plantation supervisors, village leaders, local farmers and villagers from Yedashe Township.