Myanmar REDD+ news: .......REDD+ Core Unit Meeting held on 30 January 2014 at Forest Department Headquarter, Nay Pyi Taw.........ToT training for improving Extension Capacity in Climate Change and REDD+ held at Forest Research Institute, Yezin from 17 to 21 February 2014.......

The REDD+ Taskforce

A REDD+ Task Force (TF) will be officially created by the National Environmental Conservation Committee (NECC), and will be placed under the overall inter-ministerial guidance of the NECC and the immediate supervision of MoECAF. The REDD+ TF will include Director General-level representation from MoECAF, MoAI and MOHA and a representative of MERN. The TF will be chaired by MoECAF. The limited number of members will allow the TF to remain fully functional. TF meetings will be open to all members of the TWGs to enable a wider stakeholder group to directly contribute to TF decisions and tasks. The TF will also be able to permanently or temporarily expand its membership to include representatives of other line ministries and networks, based on a unanimous decision among TF members. The REDD+ TF will initially meet monthly and later at least quarterly. The TF will undertake the following tasks: 

  • Supervise the implementation of all REDD+ Readiness activities including the development and monitoring of consolidated work plans and corresponding reporting by the TWGs, the REDD+ TF Office and whoever is involved in Roadmap implementation;
  • Coordinate and monitor all REDD+ relevant initiatives in the country to ensure new initiatives or projects are “nested” into the implementation of the REDD+ Readiness phase and contribute to the development of national REDD+ systems and approaches;
  • Consolidate and/or validate technical reviews and proposals generated by TWGs, the REDD+ TF Office, REDD+ projects or the National REDD+ Network and submit them to the NECC for further review and endorsement if required;
  • Provide guidance on overall capacity building and adherence to safeguards under REDD+;
  • Advise on issues brought to the attention of the TF by key stakeholders through TWGs, consultations and other channels;
  • Ensure that community-level concerns are heard and acted upon, that FPIC principles are applied and that community partners are given due recognition in benefit sharing;
  • Facilitate NECC meetings by preparing meeting agendas, presenting summaries of work plans, progress reports and technical reports and by summarizing policy level recommendations as required;
  • Monitor the implementation of NECC recommendations and decisions by line ministries and report back to NECC for further action when needed;
  • Advise the NECC and MoECAF on resource mobilization for REDD+ Readiness  implementation and piloting of selected REDD+ strategies, if needed;
  • Inform the NECC about the latest international agreements and developments related to REDD+ implementation and recommend possible feedback to the UNFCCC through the NECC.

If needed, the TF will develop more detailed ToR based on the indicative tasks mentioned above. These detailed ToR will be submitted by e-mail to all members of the National REDD+ Network for comments. 

Proposed National REDD+ Management Structure