Myanmar REDD+ news: .......REDD+ Core Unit Meeting held on 30 January 2014 at Forest Department Headquarter, Nay Pyi Taw.........ToT training for improving Extension Capacity in Climate Change and REDD+ held at Forest Research Institute, Yezin from 17 to 21 February 2014.......

Mar 28, 2014

Workshop on Development of Social and Environmental Safeguards for REDD+ held on 28 March, 2014

Nay Pyi Taw, 28 March ------ A national workshop on “Development of Social and Environmental Safeguards for REDD+ in Myanmar” was held at Forest Department, Nay Pyi Taw on 28 of March 2014 with financial support from Korea Forest Service (KFS). The workshop aims to develop a framework for Social and Environmental Safeguards which are essential for implementing REDD+ projects in Myanmar.

A total of 72 participants from different organizations including officials from Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry,  Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development, General Administration Department, Settlement and Land Record Department, FREDA, RECOFTC, POINT etc. attended the workshop.


Group Photo taken at the opening ceremony of the workshop

The Opening Ceremony of the training was attended by H.E U Aye Myint Maung and H.E Dr. Daw Thet Thet Zin, Deputy Ministers for the Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry, Senior Officials, Heads of Department together with the participants.


H.E U Aye Myint Maung, Deputy Minister for MoECAF, delivering the Opening Speech at the opening ceremony of the workshop

A total of six technical papers were presented by resource persons during the workshop. Group discussions for framework development was followed after the presentations. The workshop concluded with valuable outputs highlighting potential social and environmental impacts and possible measures to reduce or minimize the impacts.