On 30 January 2014, the Technical Meeting of REDD+ Core Unit members was held at the Forest Department Headquarter, Nay Pyi Taw. The meeting aimed to re-form the Core Unit into specific technical working groups and to develop the Environmental and Social Safeguards for REDD+ Projects in Myanmar.
Dr. Thaung Naing Oo, Deputy Director, explaining the objectives of the Meeting.
A total of 17 core unit members from different divisions of Forest Department attended and discussed regarding the formation of technical working groups with the inclusion of non-core unit members from MoECAF who could also share their expertise in implementing REDD+ projects. The participants also discussed the preparation of Environmental and Social Safeguards for REDD+ Projects in Myanmar, which should be inline with the international agreements and guidelines, as well as should include the alternative livelihood options for the local community under Myanmar context.
U Nanda Win Aung, Staff Officer, presenting the current status of developing Safeguards for REDD+ Project in Myanmar
Dr. Naing Zaw Htun, Assistant Director, discussed to include alternative livelihood options in developing Environmental and Social Safeguards for REDD+ in Myanmar
U Bo Ni, Director, reviewing the discussions from the meeting and giving the final remarks on how to move forward to implement REDD+ projects in Myanmar.
The meeting was chaired by U Bo Ni, Director of Watershed Division and agreed to form five technical working groups as follows;
- Policy, Legal and Strategy
- Forest Monitoring and Reference Emission Level
- Social and Environmental Safeguards,
- Benefit distribution and Financing
- Project Management and Communication