Myanmar REDD+ news: .......REDD+ Core Unit Meeting held on 30 January 2014 at Forest Department Headquarter, Nay Pyi Taw.........ToT training for improving Extension Capacity in Climate Change and REDD+ held at Forest Research Institute, Yezin from 17 to 21 February 2014.......

Jan 30, 2014

REDD+ in Myanmar

Having signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on 11 June 1992 and ratified the convention on 25 November 1994 and the Kyoto Protocol in 2003 as a non-Annex 1 party, Myanmar is fully aware of the causes and potential impacts of climate change. Hence, whilst undertaking political reform and aiming at rapid economic development, Myanmar is striving to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The government of Myanmar has recognised the potential of the REDD+ initiative to contribute to green development by protecting global environmental resources (forest carbon stocks, but also biodiversity), helping to reverse land degradation, helping to improve the livelihoods of the rural poor and aiding adaptation to climate change.

Although still largely a poor country, Myanmar is rapidly opening up to Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in the energy, mining and agricultural sector. Unless astutely managed, economic growth may have negative impacts on the environment and the natural resource base. In addition, climate change threatens to reverse socio-economic advances. Recognizing these inter-related challenges, the Government increasingly views the forestry sector as a key component and driver of sustainable and climate resilient economic growth and rural development. Myanmar has significant potential to reduce its forest carbon emissions, and enhance and sustainably manage its forest carbon stocks, by implementing REDD+ activities.
In order to implement the REDD+ activities in Myanmar, the Government of Myanmar has developed the REDD+ Readiness Roadmap which constitutes the initial stage of the REDD+ process which is divided into three phases:

Three-Phased Approach to REDD+ under UNFCCC Framework

Phases I and II together comprise the “REDD+ Readiness” Phase, during which countries build capacity, develop strategies and action plans, test different approaches to REDD+ implementation at demonstration/pilot sites and subsequently refine their approaches based on feedback. In practice, the three phases overlap to an extent, e.g. with demonstration/piloting and capacity building activities overlapping. Myanmar is presently in the early stages of Phase I. It is focusing on building initial capacity and planning for REDD+ and the development of strategy documents. These latter include the present REDD+ Readiness Roadmap.

Phase 1 (Readiness): Implementation of the Roadmap, during which Myanmar will put in place the necessary frameworks, capacities and institutions to implement REDD+ at the national level. This phase also includes the identification of the possible actions (or ‘candidate strategies’) that may achieve net emission reductions from the forest sector. This phase can begin as soon as the Roadmap is endorsed by the Government of Myanmar. This phase is expected to take four years and is expected to be financed by donor-based grants.

Phase 2 (Implementation): This phase will involve field testing of candidate strategies through demonstration activities, to establish which of the strategies may achieve efficient and cost-effective results on a national scale without undermining any of the REDD+ safeguards. This phase could also include further capacity-building, and development of new policies and legislation. Some demonstration activities may begin in specific areas of the country before all phase 1 activities are completed at the national level. The country will fully enter phase 2 when all Readiness activities have been completed, within two years of the completion of the Roadmap. Phase 2 may be financed through donor-based grants, payments from funds, and sale of carbon credits on markets.

Phase 3 (Performance-based payments): Only during this phase would Myanmar start to implement REDD+ activities, through a national performance-based system of resource (benefit) distribution. The implementation of phase 3 depends on decisions taken by the UNFCCC. Phase 3 may be financed through payments from funds and sale of carbon credits on markets.
Myanmar REDD+ Roadmap
The Government of Norway and the UN-REDD programme provided the necessary funding for the preparation of the Myanmar REDD+ Readiness Roadmap. Technical support was provided by the UN-REDD programme, RECOFTC and the many government, CSO and private sector organisations involved in the different Technical Working Groups in charge of drafting the Roadmap.